Friday, October 26, 2012



Sem nie aku last lah kt IKIP... Sedeh kurang, tp rindukn suasana time batch aku, aku skrg bila sem nie dok ngan batch lain.. Environment dia cam lain, tp still da best.

Semester ini, aku ambik...

1. JAVA a.k.a Object Oriented Programming..
2. Computer Security
3. Web Development 2

Antara subjek fav aku lah.. Aku an ske programming2 nie.. Dapt je sklan, CODING CODING... Smpai boleh... Tp akhir2 nie, cam ade kes plak ngan lecturer tu, HOPE dapt jumpa pn. sblom ambik final, kalu xdapt, aku sent la msg sekeping.. SORY pn buat kerja last minit, salah kami buat lewat2... Sendiri buat sendiri tanggung...

Subjek nie subjek membaca, tp akibat di ambik alih oleh lecturer yg paling best kt ikip, dia jadi best.. Aku memang minat pasal security, smpai kn aku nk sambung degree nnti, bab Cyber Forensic, aku xmo ambik Cyber Law, sbb aku pnah dengar org cakap, "kalu awak jadi peguam, awak kadang2 kena bela org yg bersalah, dia dah bersalah awak nk bela?" Camtu lah.... So, kita menang kn orang jahat, kalah kn orang baik.. Ok ke?

Web 1 cover HTML n CSS, tp web 2 cover PHP n MYSQL... Bih kurang cam databases, tp kali nie dalam bentuk website... Agak mencabar subjek nie. Tp Final projek aku boleh score! Yeah! walaupon aku buat bagi diri aku n pihak org lain, aku still leh catch up.. Alhamdullilah...

Ok, Final start 30hb Oktober 2012.. Paper petang... JAVA... Hope boleh jawab dengan baik.. DOA KAN KAMI!!!

Assalamualaikom... ^_^ Jaaaaa.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My feelings. Again~~

Aku jumpa nie kt blog penpatah... Terkena kt hati aku. Har3...

1. All I care about is being with you forever.
2. All the gold and diamond in the world are not enough to buy the love I have for you.
3. God created you for just for me.
4. I am addicted to your love.
5. I am crazy about you.
6. I cannot live without you.
7. I cannot stop thinking about you.
8. I did not mean to hurt your feelings.
9. I do not want to wake up from this wonderful dream with you.
10. I feel safe when I am with you.
11. I get lost in ecstasy when you make love to me.
12. I have finally discovered true love – you.
13. I love talking to you.
14. I love the way you make love to me.
15. I miss your hugs and kisses when we are apart.
16. I thank God for the day he brought you into my life.
17. I want to spend forever with you.
18. I will give anything to be with you.
19. I will give you my heart, my body, and my soul.
20. I will go with you to the ends of the world as long as you keep loving me.
21. I will rather be broke than trade your love for a million dollars.
22. I will travel a thousand miles to be with you.
23. I wish God had brought you to me sooner.
24. If anything happens to you, I will go crazy.
25. If I could I would make love to you a thousand times.
26. If I had to live life over again, I would live it with you.
27. If loving you is a sin, then let me be guilty.
28. If our love is blind, then I never want it to see the light of day.
29. Life without you will be like going to sleep and never having sweet dreams.
30. Loving you feels like heaven.
31. Loving you has made life even sweeter.
32. Loving you has made my life so full of joy and happiness.
33. My heart cries when we are apart.
34. You are my love, my heart, and my life.
35. No man has loved me the way you love me.
36. Nothing will ever stop me from loving you.
37. Ooh sweetie, you are so good to me.
38. Your warm hugs and your tender kisses are more precious than gold.
39. Talking to you is like sipping the most delicious wine – I want it to last forever.
40. The times we spend together are like precious gems that money cannot buy.
41. Time stops when you hold me in your arms.
42. When I am with you, my troubles seem to melt away.
43. When I look at you I see a man that I find irresistible.
44. Words are not enough to express how much I love you.
45. You are my prince.
46. You are my soul mate.
47. You are the most important person in my life.
48. You are the music that makes my heart sing.
49. You are the only man I ever want in my life.
50. You are the other half that makes me feel whole.
51. You are the perfect man for me.
52. You are the sweetest man I know.
53. You bring nothing but love, peace, joy, and happiness to my soul.
54. You bring so much joy and happiness to my life.
55. You love me gently.
56. You make me feel like a woman.
57. You make me feel so good I want to kiss you from your head to your toe.
58. You make me want you more each day.
59. You treat me like a princess and I love you with all my heart.
60. Your are the kindest man I know.
61. Your caring words touch the deepest part of me.
62. Your hugs and kisses melt my heart like chocolate ice cream on a warm summer day.
63. Your kisses are like warm chocolate on a cold winter night.
64. Your kisses are so good I feel tingles all over.
65. Your love is like a solid rock that will never break.
66. Your love is so good I can’t get away even if I wanted to.
67. Your love warms my heart like the glow of a candle light in a midsummer night’s dream.
68. Your loving whispers in a moon-lit night are like soothing wine, they put me in the mood.
69. Your smile is so comforting it makes my tears go away.
70. Your gentle touch sends chills up and down my spine.


Kata nya blog tu, ayat nie leh lah guna tok ushar awek, boleh jgak tok HnW yg nk romaktik2.. ^_^

Aku akn cerita pasal life xlama lagi. So be wait...


Ah mooo...

Assalamualaikom.. Sudah setahun aku tinggal nk blogging...

ape aku buat setahun nie?!!

Cam biasa....

Study, main game, buat projek, tido, makan, sakit, frust, jelous. Semua bnde ade...

Akan aku start update blog pasnie. Aha3. Wait n see yer.. Jaa nee!!!